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How to Download iOS 15 Beta Profile

How to Download iOS 15 Beta Profile

How to Download iOS 15.7.2 Beta Profile Free Link. Download Beta Profiles. iOS 15.7.2 beta, which will be officially released on December 30, 2021, is now a reality that you can use on your Apple mobile phone as long as it is compatible with the operating system. And there are many updates, improvements and news in iOS 15 as a new operating system.

iPhone compatible with iOS 15 beta profile

The first thing is to check if your Apple mobile is compatible with the beta. If it is one of the models that we list below, yes it is:

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You are going to install an OS that is not final and therefore is full of bugs and elements to correct, so it is always advisable to make a backup copy just in case. Here we tell you how to make a backup of your iOS 14 in three different ways:

How to backup iPhone and iPad

Backup iPhone using iCloud

Backup iPhone using a Mac

Backup iPhone using Windows

Sign up for the iOS 15 Beta profile program

The next step is to ask Apple to be part of their public beta program. To do this, enter this link from the iPhone using a web browser and click on SIGN UP if it is the first time, or simply log in if your iPhone is already registered to receive betas.

Write your email address in the comments for the download link.

Install the iOS 15 beta profile

How to uninstall iOS 15 beta program